Simpsons Hit And Run Driving Quotes

May 05, 2018 Mainly focused on missions and cutscenes, check out some of the funniest quotes from the Simpsons Hit and Run. Mainly focused on missions and cutscenes, check out some of the funniest quotes from.


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Go to the options menu at the beginning of the game
EffectHow to unlock and what it does
Down down down leftWhen you kick it changes your person(you need to have completed game)
Down down right leftMakes the secret car of every level become a lego car
Down down down upGives you more camera views
right,right,left,leftmakes you blow up cars in one touch!!!
right,right,down,leftadds a speedometer to the screen.
right,up,right,upmakes you invincible!
right,right,right,rightspeed up to 350 km on any car
up,down,up,downall cars (100% game completed)
UP UP DOWN LEF100000 coins
up up up upgives you all cards (100% game completion)
Open the game.
Pick New, Load or Resume Game.
When in the game, press Esc.
Click on 'options'
Hold down F1 while you key in a sequence of arrows as shown below to unlock features.
PasswordWhat it does
F1 + 4xRightArrowMore acceleration on all cars
F1 + 4xleftArrowno Top Speeds
F1 + Right Arrow, Right Arrow, Down Arrow, Left ArrowShows a Speedometer
F1 + Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Right Arrow, Up ArrowNo Damage occurs on your car
F1 + 3xLeftArrow, Right ArrowVehicle jumps when the horn is pressed
F1 + RightArrow, RightArrow, LeftArrow, LeftArrowDestroys every other car you hit in 1 stroke
F1 + 3xDownArrow, Up ArrowMore Camera Angles
F1 + Down Arrow , 3xLeft ArrowNo police
F1 + down down right leftmakes every secret car a lego car
F1 + Up Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left ArrowGives you 100000 coins


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if you go into a file on the computer (cant remember which 1) you can change the weight of cars the speed of them even the default driver note: when you're changing the weight and the speed the max is 10,000. when you're driving the heaviest car aka the plow king you can send cars flying
First, open the Start menu, open Search, at the left of the window, in 'Name of/or part of folder' type 'Vivendi'. Do the same with 'Phrase in file name'. Choose 'Look in 'My Computer' (So it searches everywhere) and click 'Search'.
When it is done searching, open the folder 'The Simpsons: Hit and Run' (NOTE: do not open the FILE below it, for it will open the game and we don't want that yet). Once in the folder make a backup folder of 'Scripts' & 'Art'. Open 'Scripts' and then open 'Vehicles'. We'll start with something simple so right click 'v_famili' and choose open with Notepad (Never choose Word or something like that because Notepad is the game's scripting engine)
You should see a window pop-up titled 'Notepad v_famili (Read Only)' With Read Only on you cant alter the files. So minimize this window and highlight all the files in the 'Vehicles', right click 'Properties' and down the bottom of the new window you should see:
◘ Read only -selected-
◘ Hidden
Click the read only square and click 'Apply' then exit. Maximize v_famili and you will now see scripting codes like
setgasscale:120.00 ect. (!!!!NEVER MESS WITH setbrakescale BECAUSE IT WILL CRASH THE GAME!!!!). So play around with the codes and if you need help with the scripting/coding, PM me for more help!!!
When you are on 'hit and run' change missions. the cops wont be after you but the hit and run meter will still be flashing. DONT LET THE HIT AND RUN METER GO DOWN.Destroy as much as you like with the meter up and the cops wont come after you again until the meter goes down.
To get out of hit and run all you have to do is save your game and then load it again and you'll be back at the last mission you were at with no hit & run!!
go inside a building and hang out there until your meter has stoped flashing.
If you need to go somewhere high (the fire escape on the Entertainment District level, for example) find a car, preferably a van or truck, or even better, the fire engine (providing you own it) and hop up. If necessary, park with your door to the wall, you will come out on top of the vehicle.
On the last mission of the 1st level, you have to race Smithers through most of the level to get to Mr. Burns' mansion, starting from the nuclear power plant. You can't cut through the power plant itself because a door slams shut, blocking your way. HOWEVER, if you park your car halfway into the doorway (I used the Family Sedan), The door will slam shut on it, damaging it but not destroying it. The rear end of the vehicle hangs out and you can hop right in to take an easy short-cut to the end of the mission without a hassle.
In Level 3 the special car is found on the large ship in a large container on top of 2 other containers to get to it you climb the boxes at the back and it is a boat
In each level there is a Secret Car that can be found.
Level 1: Go to the rich neighborhood and drive to the Gold house. In front of it there is a rocket car. Homer can drive in it at high speeds but watch out, it can be destroyed very easily.
Level 2: Go to the Monorail station and walk up the stairs. When up the top, go to the first car of the Broken Monorail and get in it. You can now drive the broken Monorail along the roads.
Level 3: This is the only car that I can't give a description of. But I know it is Knightboat. Find it around the bay.
Level 4: This car is actually a four-wheeler Motorbike (Quad bike). Just go to the Trailer park as Marge and find near a caravan. It is fast but very hard to handle.
Level 5: Apu's Special Car is very easy to find. Just go to the Springfield Stadium and on a large platform, there will be a Monster Truck. You can get in it a demolish anything you may find! Mwahahaha!
Level 6: Go to Planet Hype's Roof and fall off just a bit, so you fall on the pink Cadillac that is stuck onto it's wall.
Level 7: Climb on the Tankers and Fire Trucks to reach the Roof of the 'Spooky Burger' next to the 'Spook-e-Mart' and on top there wil be a Toy RC that you can actually drive.
Simpsons Hit And Run Driving Quotes
When playing the game, and if you are near zombies, remember that zombies count in hit and run too. That means that if you run one over, that's more yellow on the meter before you get some police cars trying to chase you down.


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Ride a car as a passenger. Drive near a wasp. Get out of the car with the car between you and the wasp. The wasp will attempt to shoot you but might hit the driver knocking him/her out of the car. You can get back in the car as a passenger. You will hear the driver's voice but they won't be in the car.


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pause game go to options hold f1 and press down(3), left. i think it works after you complete all missions but not sure
Boot up your game and go into system settings / options. Now go to the time settings and change the date to various special days of the year. Like 25th December or 31st October or to 31st December and you should see some suprising features changed in the game.
this makes you blow cars up when you touch them
warning your hit and run meter goes up by about half for each car
On the c-spanker there are some green crates with some grey boxes at the back. Climb up those grey boxes, go round the front carefully and there you have it a speedboat on wheels!
(does not work on water)
this code makes you fly like a mile into the and forward
If you want to skip a mission fail the mission 5 times, after that when you fail again it will come up with skip on yhe screen!
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This page details prerelease information and/or media for The Simpsons: Hit & Run.

This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.

The following document aims to outline the prerelease coverage of The Simpsons: Hit & Run and the changes made to it during late development.

  • 3Previews
    • 3.1IGN (May 2003)
    • 3.4IGN (August 2003)
    • 3.5Worth Playing
    • 3.6GameSpot (September 2003)
  • 62003 Prerelease Disc Assets


The earliest report of a 'mission-based driving game' starring the Simpsons can be traced back to a brief article published by GameSpot on April 24, 2003. Not many details are revealed aside from the cast, the gist of gameplay and the platforms it will be released on. Given the short length and the 'As part of its release of pre-E3 information [...]' portion of the text, it is likely that this information was simply relayed from a press release document.

Press Exhibition

Simpsons Hit And Run Driving Quotes

Hit & Run would later make an appearance at E3 2003, running from May 12 to 14, within the vast portfolio of then upcoming games from its publisher, Vivendi Universal. Not much else is known about the state of the game at this stage.

A GameSpot feature from July 8, 2003 allegedly describes a GameCube build of the game showcased at a non-descript press event from Nintendo. The demo featured appears to have been limited to the first three missions of the first level, which seem to be unchanged from the final product. It is suggested that gameplay elements and interactions appear to have been finalized, although camera issues are present.


A significant number of publications were granted access to late builds of the game since E3 and until September for previewing purposes. Contents have been sorted by outlet chronologically.

IGN (May 2003)

Sizzle Reel

The first footage released to the public was a Sizzle Reel made from the GameCube version published by IGN on May 15, 2003 shortly after its appearance at E3. The video itself depicts driving and minimal character control within the first, sixth, fourth and second levels, starring Homer, Bart, Marge and Bart respectively. Despite lacking sound, a handful of aesthetic differences can be noticed when compared to the final product.

  • A green radar is in place of the transparent minimap and the 'Hit & Run' meter. The textures can still be found in early copies of the Windows version.
  • Stop signs cannot be destroyed, but can be rather pushed as a single entity.
  • Light blue chevrons can be seen highlighting Marge's vehicular path instead of red and green arrows.
  • The phone booth has a 2D sprite of a telephone on top instead of a rotating 3D model. In addition to this, the phone booths are in different locations. In the final game, there's a booth across from the Simpson house, by the cemetery, and the one outside the stadium is a lot further to the right, beside the tunnel.
  • The evergreen trees shown in Level 1 and Level 4 look more cartoon-styled and less detailed than they are in the final.
  • There is seemingly no indication whether the player is about to get a 'Hit & Run'.
  • There appears to be a collector card on top of the Wiggum house in Level 1, as seen at the very start of the video. As it's impossible to actually get on top of most houses in the final game, it makes sense that they'd move it to the back yard.
  • The light cone of the street lights in Level 6 appear to be at an angle, as opposed to facing straight down.
  • The street lights in Level 4 are off.
  • Environment maps appear to be more subtle, or not implemented yet. This gives the cars a rather more cartoony look.

Level 7 Screenshot

In addition, a batch of screenshots were submitted to the game's PlayStation 2 hub on the site on May 6, 2003. While most of them are HUD-less captures which are very similar to the final game, a particularly intriguing one is present, depicting Homer in front of the Springfield Elementary School on a vastly different rendition of the seventh level.

  • A completely different radar/minimap can be seen. The texture for the blue circle is still present in early copies of the retail Windows release.
  • The building itself is textured with more varied colors instead of the mostly light-brown and yellow pallette found the in the final.
  • Ralph Wiggum can be seen sporting a 2D sprite over his head indicating he handles one of the racing sub-missions. In the retail version, zombies are the NPC who prompt you to race in line with the whole Halloween aesthetic of the level.
  • In the final product, the level is blocked off by a construction site following the Elementary School and a closed gate in the Power Plant on the other end of the map, essentially leaving Homer with half-a-level to explore. The illustration on the minimap suggests that level 7 was not intended to be this way, a fact which appears to be substantiated by some of the unused content.

(Source: Donut Team Community)

The Next Level

Dated July 7, 2003, Next Level's preview of Hit & Run for the PlayStation 2 features a handful of early screenshots. While it details the game's storyline, the remainder of the article is just a paraphrasing the announcement press release. Most of the imagery included is not of much interest except for the first snapshot, which has Bart standing on one of the second level's setpieces alongside the early radar seen in the previous video. Interestingly, at least three out of six pictures can be found on IGN's page for the game, suggesting that they may have been provided by the publisher.

(Source: Donut Team Community)

E3 Demo

An E3 demo gameplay video shows a mostly complete version of the game, although with a few noticeable changes from the final game:

  • Much like in the IGN video, environment maps don't seem to have been implemented yet. In addition, there doesn't seem to be any lens flare effects from the sun in the first three levels of the game.
  • Also like in the IGN video, the unused Station Wagon found in the files of the game can be seen driving past Homer in Level 1. It is shown in place of the Glass Truck found in the final game.
  • The vent on the Duff Truck at the Kwik-E-Mart has no detail and does not produce any smoke, and the sound effect heard when bouncing off of it sounds different compared to the final game. Also, Homer does not say any of his usual quotes, like 'Wheee!!' or 'Bouncy bouncy!!' when he bounces off the vent.
  • Moving cubes appear inside the Power Plant. While not seen in the final version it strangely appears in the final game's demo mode.
  • Two wasp cameras are present inside the Power Plant on Level 1; these are not in the final game.
  • The power couplings are facing straight.
  • The telephones seen on top of phone booths look different slightly resembling the 2D sprite of the telephone shown on top of phone booths in the prerelease video released on Sizzle Reel.
  • Much like in early cutscenes and screenshots, the characters' models are similar to their appearances in The Simpsons: Road Rage.
  • Wrenches have a darker color scheme making them look more of a brown color than a yellow color.
  • A lot of sound effects heard in the demo sound very different than they do in the final, sounds heard when jumping, kicking objects, etc.
  • There were originally sound effects heard when the player entered/exited a vehicle and they shut the doors of it, but in the final game, no sounds can be heard at all whilst entering/exiting a vehicle.
  • Collector Cards appear to have a question mark symbol on them.
  • Wasp Cameras are not as detailed and appear to be brighter. They lack the metal texture they have in the final game. In addition, their wings are not opaque, and no electricity can be seen from their stinger.
  • A ramp made out of tires is seen south of the Tire Fire. This isn't seen in the final game, likely because the ramp is facing at an angle too close to the barn house.
  • In Level 2, there are three Coins present at the end of the small tunnel that follows the dirt ramp jump by the construction site.
  • There is a wrench seen floating above the Tire Fire in Level 1, it is unknown why it's there.
  • The lamp-posts on the street dividers near the Bowlarama in Level 6 had an entirely different design.
  • In Level 1, Milhouse is shown stood in the middle of the path in front of the first house in the line of houses in-between the La Maison Derriére and the Kwik-E-Mart, but in the final game he has been relocated to near Moe's house.
  • In Level 4, Nelson is shown stood in front of the Springfield church, but in the final game he has been relocated in front of the Solid Gold House on the 939 area.
  • The sky in Level 2 is cloudier and has rays of light shining from the sky.
  • The sky in Level 6 has a larger moon with more noticeable clouds, and the maroon colour is less vibrant than it is in the final. Interestingly, this background is used as the background of interiors in the level in the final game and is also the background of the Level 6 bonus race.
  • The Character Costumes icon in Moe's Tavern is located at the right side of the room in front of the Duff poster instead of on the left side of the room.
  • In Level 6, the interior of the observatory appears to use the same lighting used in the building in Level 3, there is also a dusk background shown outside the window instead of the usual night background. It is unknown whether this is Level 6 or not, but it could be possible that Bart is being played as in Level 3.
    • Also, the large telescope seen inside the observatory is not detailed and is coloured red instead of grey.
  • Much like in the IGN video, there is a mansion gate located in front of the house facing the Simpsons House.
  • There is a fence with bushes placed between the blue house to the left of the Simpsons House and the fence beside the playground in Evergreen Terrace.
  • The Itchy balloon in Level 2 has red gloves instead of white, red-gloved Itchy however did appear in the Level 5 bonus race in the final game.

IGN (August 2003)

On August 8 and August 23, 2003, IGN released a whopping 17 videos depicting the PlayStation 2 and GameCube revisions of the game. These range from snippets of gameplay to full cinematics, all from the first level. Of upmost interest are the prerendered cutscenes, some of which are noticeably different to the ones in the final game.

Opening Cutscene

  • The logo has different lettering as opposed to the final which resembles the one used on the show. The trademark symbol was swapped for a Copyright.
  • The family's models are very similar to their appereances in the cutscenes from The Simpsons: Road Rage, rather than the softer renditions seen in the final game.
  • Homer gasps before destroying the wasp camera.
  • The wasp has additional sound effects on its demise.
(Source: Donut Team Community)

Flowers by Irene

  • Homer is seen eating a donut he reached from his back, whereas in the final version he is sitting still and drinking a Duff Beer.
  • The TV is zoomed in, as opposed to the final in which the knobs and grill are visible.
  • Much like the Simpsons family in the previous cinematic, Kent Brockman resembles his Road Rage appearance.
  • The illustrations Brockman is describing are slightly different, featuring additional elements and different gradients.
  • The crowd attending Mayor Quimby's speech is much quiet in the early render.
  • The 'exclusive footage' of the Black Van were removed along with the robot being eaten by an alligator.
  • A music cue plays when Marge tells Homer he is sexy (when he's paranoid).

Other differences

  • The characters have teeth in these cutscenes, the final version doesn't have any.
(Source: Donut Team Community)

Worth Playing

Published on August 31, 2003, Worth Playing's coverage of Hit & Run is perhaps the most interesting, as it features a wealth of self-produced screenshots from the PlayStation 2 version, some of which show discrepancies not seen in the previous materials. Refered as a 'limited beta copy', this particular demo allegedly includes a 'character select screen' with a limited roster and not much else.

Mission Briefing

Preview Final
  • The comic strip panel was replaced with pictograms illustrating the objectives.
  • The font was squished and resized.

Phone Booth

Preview Final
  • 'Stability' was changed to 'Handling' in the vehicle stats layout.
  • The font was squished and resized.

NPC Icons

The gallery also reveals that the characters were displayed on the interface as 3D renders rather than 2D sprites.

GameSpot (September 2003)

Published on September 5, 2003, GameSpot's coverage of both the Xbox and PlayStation 2 version comes with little info and very low quality JPEG images. Delightful!


  • You can see the unused vehicle 'WagonA' in this shot. Other than that, nothing special.
  • This contains another early image for a mission, however this time the font is final.
  • Almost identical to one of the pictures from 'Worth Playing' except with the final font.

Other things of note

  • The article says to start a Wager Race you need to talk to Fat Tony, however in the final you talk to Louie. This was likely a mistake though.
  • The article makes reference to the scene from the E3 version of the 'Flowers by Irene' cutscene where Kent Brockman shows a clip of a robot being eaten by an alligator.


While pretty much resembling the final version, there's one thing noticeable in the trailer

  • While the 3D rendered character portrait for Marge appears at the start, there's another early mugshot of Marge that is 2D that just uses marge's head. But it only appears once in the commercial, after that's shown the rest of the commercial uses the final Marge mugshot.

Simpsons Hit And Run Driving Quotes


Present in the manual for the GameCube, PlayStation 2 (and the Xbox, to some extent) releases are a few not-quite-final screenshots displaying more of the 3D rendered character portraits. Please note that the second to last picture only appears in the former, as the latter uses an updated picture with the actual 2D mugshot. A date on the Load Game menu detailed on one of the first pages suggests that these pictures might be from late July/early August 2003.

(Source: Donut Team Community)

There is also a screenshot showing an early version of the radar.

Manual Final

The title screen also appears to use Homer's Road Rage model. The model can be found in the final in the files for the main menu.

The text that appears when you get Hit & Run also appears to be different, being all in caps and in a slightly different font.

The radar also appears to be a lighter colour around the edge and the road is white instead of grey.

The same changes apply to this screenshot:

2003 Prerelease Disc Assets

Two prerelease asset discs of the game was found in 2016, which contained several information changed in the final game, dated around June to August 2003. There are several pink notes regarding editing out or correcting some parts or red notes indicating changes.

Storyline Changes

  • Originally, the newspapers displayed on a loading screen contained a second variation instead of one. Some actually went through slight changes.
    • Level 1's second headline was 'First Day of Spring - Ants, Nitpickers reach last minute accord' along with a screenshot from 'Trilogy of Error'.
    • Level 2's original first headline was either 'Nameless Assailant Harasses Burns - Says Burns' or 'Local Man Chased By Dogs - Mistakes Harmless Pizza Van for Sinister Surveillance Van'.
    • Level 3's original headlines were 'Slow News Day Grips Springfield' and 'Local Truant Gone Truant - Honor Student Searches for Dumber Brother'.
    • Level 4's headlines were 'Mysterious Shape Found In Farmer's Field - Scientists Perplexed; Some Say Signs Of Rapture - Flights Booked', which was later shortened down, and 'Missing Boy Found Safe - Has No Memory of Abduction'.
    • Level 5's original headlines were 'Springfield Goes Crazy for Crazy New Cola' and 'Boring Housewife Unpopular - Marge Simpson Attacks Another Fun Fad'.
    • Level 6's original headline was 'Local Crackpots Warn of 'Alien Cola Plot' with a picture of Apu and Bart shocked.
    • Level 7's original headline was 'Local Housewife Says 'I Told You So' with a picture of Marge.

Mission Changes

  • Bonus missions did not exist originally and were part of the storyline.
  • 'Petty Theft Homer' had an unused lose-the-tail segment.
  • 'The Fat And Furious' originally involved driving to the Power Plant's parking lot to find Smithers, who was parked next to a Surveillance Van.
  • Originally, Bart needed a toilet plunger instead of a satellite dish and hemorrhoid cream for the Truckasaurus. 'Dial B for Blood' was originally part of the storyline in order to get the cream.
  • There was originally a mission where Bart escaped in a Ferrini from the Truckasaurus in a boss fight.
  • 'Bonfire of the Manatees' originally ended with Apu talking to Lisa and Lisa making her own way to the Observatory.
  • '...For A Few Donuts More' involved destroying the Donut Truck. The mission stage dialogue still exists for this in the script.
  • 'The Return Of The Nearly Dead' involved racing Grampa to Jasper instead of racing Chief Wiggum to the Retirement Castle'.
  • 'Wolves Stole My Pills' was given by Jasper originally and involved him explaining the crop circle.
  • 'Discriminating Caffeine' took place near the Monorail Station and involved avoiding black sedans while casing the Cola Truck.
  • 'Duff For Me, Duff For You' involved avoiding black sedans while getting to the Duff Brewery.
  • Much like Level 2, the t-rex fossil was originally a boss fight in addition to a cutscene.
  • Originally, in 'Alien Autopsy Part I', Mr. Burns sold the remaining nuclear waste to the Black Ferrini driver.
  • The final cutscene of Level 7 was much different - When the UFO crashed, a tentacle came out of the hatch, before shriveling up, with Homer mocking Lisa's belief of nuclear waste. It cut to Kent Brockman interviewing Homer, who tells him he has 'big plans' for the future. Two weeks later, Homer's house is surrounded by Rigelians, some of whom are stealing from the house, while he naps.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • There was originally an option to watch the credits in the Options menu.
  • The HUD icons for characters were originally in the same CGI seen in manuals.

(Source: MattJ155)
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