Simpsons Hit And Run Mods

May 13, 2019 HORRIFYING Simpsons Hit & Run MODS! Unsubscribe from tamago2474? Cancel Unsubscribe. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 359K. IGCD Tests Add a Test The average are only displayed when the number of votes has reached 3. 2005-5-23  The Clone Wars Season 7 Release Schedule - When Do New Episodes Come Out?


Simpsons Hit And Run Mods Characters

Anyone wanna discuss Hit & Run mods?
Been trying out tons of mods recently, one of the funniest ones is this
The fucking engine noise
SInce Hit & Run is by far the best Simpsons game, and one of my favorite games ever, I am in love with these mods since there's really nothing fun you can do after you've finished it 100% several times. I've been meaning to try out some people's costum missions, but so far I've only tried the Road Rage Returns mod and just having some new content to play feels fantastic.
It's kind of frustrating how the other cars has the Road Rage physics, so they're not very heavy at all. I got stuck on the mission trying to help Krusty collect food. But it's not annoying, it feels so good to have a mission I have never finished in my life. Takes me back to when I used to play this game for the first time.
Now I'm no modder so I'm not the one to judge, but I wish they'd make the dialogue a little better. The characters are basically just spouting nonsense at each other, and c'mon, it's not hard to get lines from the show to form a conversation. You could even take just existing convos from the show.
EDIT: No wait, it was the mission where you help Wiggum get evidence. Oh well just finished it.

This mod allows for randomising vehicles, characters and almost everything else in the game!


Downloads are available on GitHub's releases page


You will need Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher to run this mod.

Copy the mod file (.lmlm) to your Mods folder (usually DocumentsMy GamesLucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod LauncherMods).

Run the Mod Launcher and change the settings to match your needs, then play the game.
All possible randomisations are available in separate settings.

Information about every setting can be found on this page



Questions about the mod or development can be asked on our Discord Server.

Future Plans

  • Seeded RNG

  • Random locations (possibly)

Potential Limitations/Issues

Simpsons Hit And Run Mods

If you find more issues, please report them on our discord or GitHub

  • Missions will spawn you where you start if you restart the mission once, this is because adding a forced car teleports you.

  • Your car will vanish at the end of the mission, even if you are in it. Again this is because of how forced cars work.

  • There is a spot where random characters will be sat in mid air. This is due to how passengers/drivers work.

  • The game probably will crash, this is because the mod is complicated and the game does not appreciate a lot of changes


Mod authors are EnAppelsin, Proddy, Sparrow and Gadie

Thanks to the following people for helping with the development and testing of this mod:

Gibstack, Kuinn, Jake, LiquidWiFi, Loren, Nytheris, Pepperdork